
Monday, January 17, 2011

Turning 50

I figure this is a good way to start this blog. This year I turned 50! Ugh.

I decided, "Well heck, turning 50 is a good thing right? I mean this means I have made it through my 40's and I'm still here." If you would have told me when I was twenty that I would live to be 50 I would have thought you were nuts. But here I am . . . and still on the right side of the sod! Who'd 've thunk it!

So . . . two weeks prior to my 50th birthday, I called my doctor's office to set an appointment for a physical. You know . . . " . . put your feet in the stirrups and sliiiiiide down to the end of the table . . " and other fun stuff. Skin check, mammogram, cholesterol check, blah blah blah.

I love my doctor. He's human, he's "to the point". And he talks to me like an equal. (Even though he graduated from medical school and I hold a masters from the school of hard knocks). The appointment was set for the day before my 50th birthday.

Skin check went fine (always a concern since we have melanoma in the family). Pelvic, breasts . . . they were fine. All was good . . .until the doc said "I want to schedule you for a colonoscopy" I responded with "You can do THAT in the autopsy . . . thank you very much"

We debated this topic for a few minutes and I finally agreed to go to outpatient scheduling to do so. (though I only agreed to appease him. I never intended to go through with this . . . and still haven't).

The results that he had ordered came back indicating a low functioning Thyroid. THAT diagnosis made my day!!!!! He was going to put me on thyroid meds . . . Yippie! Now that extra 20 lbs that I've been trying to get used to was going to go bye bye. THIS, in my opinion was the absolute BEST part of my "I'm turning 50" doctors apt.

I've been on the medication for 6 weeks. Though I haven't lost any weight! WTH!

More to come . . .

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